A downloadable game

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Hello! Thanks for clicking my game!

I am just starting to design games, and this is my first project. 


Zombies are causing mayhem. You are armed with an assault rifle and a couple grenades. Your objective is to fight through 30 waves of flesh-eating zombies to survive another day. 

Wave Mode:

In Wave Mode, you will try to survive 30 waves to make it through the night without becoming one of them.

Endless Mode:

In Endless Mode, you will fight for as long as you can, taking out every zombie possible before you are eaten.

Why I am releasing this game right now:

I am releasing the early version of this game as a fundraiser for GameMaker studio. My goal is $115. I will edit this post every Monday to represent how far the fundraiser has gotten. I will also be updating this game as I continue my dev journey. I will include patch notes with more information.

The original idea:

The first indie game I played was on the XBOX 360. It was called "The $1 Zombie Game". The game had very few features and was not very graphical, however, I enjoyed it's arcade style very much. It was the first indie game that I gave a chance, and I loved it. Since, I have played many indie games. Some were made at jams, while others were made like this one. 

My goal for this game was to pay respects to another indie game that brought me joy while obtaining the means to create and publish some original ideas of my own. I thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would like to see the game I am referring to, the name of the dev is rmm5.

Money Raised(7/4): $0

Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsArcade, Zombies


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Zombie Game.zip 4.3 MB

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